Monday, December 19, 2011


Thus begins a new chapter in my life. Hope it will turn out to be as significant for you as well.
Let me start by setting the context - A die hard engineering beemaari - I admit, but one I enjoy thoroughly.

I'm about to write in a public forum, for the public. It is not going to be ramblings or catharsis.It is not therapy, well not for me any way. It is not my diary.

I will write on my terms. The language will be as chaste as possible, with respect to the grammar and spelling. Please feel free to slaughter me if I falter in that regard.The vocabulary however, will not be restricted or censored. I will use words which I deem most appropriate and hence the blog will have its share of expletives and any language I care to utilize.
It goes without saying, immature audiences (of all ages) would do well to steer clear, since the language, no matter how unseemly, will be a pale shadow of the content.

That much I promise.

Every post as a rule will be an original piece of work (even more so now that I have noticed blogger won't let me paste even my own stuff), unless stated otherwise.

Here's to extensive debates and heated discussions, epiphanies and revelations.

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